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Jaguar E-Type For Sale
Are you trying to find a Jaguar E-Type for sale?
The Jaguar E-Type is an iconic British sports car. It was manufactured between 1961 and 1975 as a 2-door fastback coupe and a roadster (convertible). The E-Type is broken down into three series: The Series 1 Jaguar E-Type from 1961 - 1968, the Series 2 from 1968 – 1971, and the Series 3 from 1971 – 1975.
Sports car enthusiasts are very divided on which series they favor. However, most agree that Series 1 is of the purest design. If you’re looking to buy a Jaguar E-Type, but aren’t sure which series is right for you, it’s time to take a closer look at what makes each series exquisitely unique. It should also be noted the restoration of the E-Type Jaguar for sale is a pricey venture, but a great investment.
The Jaguar E-Type Series 1 is up to par with British safety regulations.
From 1961 to 1967, the flat-floored vehicle was seldom touched in terms of extensive upgrades. By 1964, the engine was modified to displace 4.2 liters while also fitted with a synchromesh gearbox. Improvements were made to the breaks as well as the seats. All other alterations were purely cosmetic, including the body of the 2+2, which had a longer wheelbase and a higher roofline.
The Jaguar E-Type Series 2 was designed to meet US safety regulations.
You’ll notice that with the Series 2, the bumpers have been modified to wrap around the vehicle, and the sidelights beneath the bumper are in fact much larger. The brakes continued to be improved and the windscreen had also been increased in size. Of course, it also made for a slower car.
The Jaguar E-Type Series 3 replaced the standard straight-six engine.
In 1971 the E-Type Series 3 gained six more cylinders, turning it into the Jaguar XK-E V-12. The E-Type V-12 engine and body of the 2+2 was the manufacturer’s answer to US emissions and regulations. Unfortunately, the series 3 still fell short of a sports car as it became more of a boulevard cruiser, despite its output of 5.2 liters with its new V-12 engine.
Whether you’re looking for a Jaguar E-Type Coupe or a Jaguar E-Type Roadster (convertible), the series 3 will most likely remain affordable due to its unofficial loss of sports car status. If you’re going to buy Jaguar E-Type, you’ll get the most value and the best ride out of the 4.2-liter cars—especially the 1964 E Type.
You can find the Jaguar E-Type XK-E for sale in the USA here!
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