New and Pre-owned Koenigsegg Gemera for Sale
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Koenigsegg Gemera For Sale
Koenigsegg are a force to be reckoned with. Known to be responsible for some of the most incredible automobiles ever conceived, it’s no surprise to us that their latest effort, the Gemera, hits as hard on the wallet as it does on a track. That’s because, even more than Koenigseggs of the past, the Koenigsegg Gemera for sale is a marvel of engineering. It’s two-liter, three-cylinder (seriously) engine produces 600 brake horsepower alone. Combined with the power output of its hybrid system, and Koenigsegg says that the Gemera can provide 1700 bhp with its most environmentally friendly drivetrain yet. And with the option to take three friends with you, maybe nearly 2 million dollars is worth it.