New and Pre-owned BMW X4 for Sale
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Used BMW X4 For Sale
The fastback version of the X3M, the BMW X4 for sale, is equipped with the same powerful 3.0-liter six-cylinder engine. The powerful SUV crossover has an output of 503 horsepower with a whopping 442 pound-foot of torque. Its top speed of 177 mph is an impressive feat for an SUV, as is its 0-60 mph acceleration speed of just four seconds flat. Performance is a top trait of the X4M, paired with luxury as is standard for the German car manufacturer. Inside, the seats are draped in high-quality leather. The cockpit is equipped with a digital instrument cluster and an infotainment system that allows drivers to access driver-assist and advanced safety features. Outside, the X4M is sleeker than its X3M counterpart with a curvier rear-end and sloping roofline.
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